Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Recurring realization..and other offerings.

Getting lost in one's headphones is a gift.

It's one of those examples that fully
exemplifies the category of "simple pleasures".

In other belated yet still relevant news:

I may have been hasty in naming 'America's Got Talent' as one of the shows you should watch. Not so. Like many things in this century, it has failed to exceed my expectations. True, it started off promising with the already done yet theoretically wonderful idea of bringing back the variety show format, but when you(and by you, I mean you, the unsuspecting tools of America that did me and some others a true disservice. For a description of your dysfunction, read on..) vote off most of the best acts, keep the dullards and then, at the end of this masterstroke of fail, you sack one of the most promising acts to perform on your silly brainsuckertube in a long while! How could you be so blind?!

Where did I end up, you might ask?
Disappointment City, that's where...

Here's where it's at...if I'm going to bother investing time into these things, at least consider your actions and how they may affect me and the others watching in the same room.

(They were there. They were saddened, trust me.
Go ahead, be ashamed of yourselves.)

Next season, my eye. Poof..into the mist with you and the dreams you shatter. (Okay, maybe this is taking a turn for the dramatic. Yes, I see that... but really.. You voted off Poppycock? I weary of those missing true talent..though really I could avoid this madness and skip the stupid show.. Yeah. I could..)

The real question is if I should watch the next season of that dancing show.. I have little interest in the people on it..but I guess if I'm ever to see Hasselhoff break a hip on national television, this is that very opportunity.

Tv...so fickle.

It's really not what it used to be.

Good thing the best of it is preserved on good old standby dvds..

..good thing indeed.

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