Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Love and Respect for a good ole Jeff..

...Frugal Gourmet ftw.

No, I'm quite serious. You might not remember the joy you've once experience watching this program(if you ever did--if you happened to live in the mid-late 80's and had a grandmother, there's a fair chance you've seen this..), but if you were to revisit this classic, you'll most likely find the wit, wisdom, and fantastic teaching stylings of Chef Jeff Smith to be as endearing(if not moreso) as when the series was first broadcast.

It's the 'it' thing of the month. Tell your friends.

Tell them all.

...just don't watch it while flying...it may lose its magic..

..for a time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A few thoughts of the moment.

It's good to be back home for a while..

I think I really needed this visit..

It's quiet and peaceful right now, and it's been great spending time with family..

Two years is just too long.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Forget Haley-- Balki's Comet Rides Again

This just in--

There's been this sudden cosmic resurgence of Perfect Strangers..

Are you surprised? Didn't think so.

Can't say that I am either.

It seems lately that if/when I'm taking a break from the transcendentally super absorbent wicked awesomeness that is Supernatural, I'm cracking up watching good ole wacky Larry and his overtly hijinkey Myposian pal in yet another zany 22 minute romp.

And for added touch of honesty--
That show... is at times full on retardo. No question of that.

And at others, a rag tag grouping of some pretty funny rigamole.
In other words, the show at times, is quite the hootenanny.
Yes indeed.

If you don't (immediately) believe me, watch an ep and see for yourself.

If you need a silly wth moment, it's the go to stuff, kids.

And so, if you find yourself at Appleton's house later and you find yourself doing the dance of joy, you be sure and tell em your Uncle S sent you~

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ah, phooey.

Remember when I said I'd probably post that game of Balderdash?

Well, as you might have surmised, I have not.

Perhaps someday I shall.

Until then, keep your nose clean.

Oh, something else..

Remember when I complained for months about how Supernatural is a creepy and unnecessary p.o.s. show that no-one should fuss about and watch at all?

I was sorta wrong. We here at wildersyndicate would like to take a moment and post a retraction.

..there. all better.

But, seriously, give it a watch... you'll get sucked in.