Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Discovery @ 6am

Just discovered an extremely underrated John Denver tune this morning...

Sure, the man wrote some really hokey songs and some sickeningly hick ditties...

but when he wasn't..

You had a quiet, tender individual who wrote some really beautiful ballads...and sang them with such emotion.

This was one of them, and I like it very much.

The song is called 'For You', and it's staying on my playlist.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Sure What to Feel..

Okay, part of me is going "Holy crap, I've been published!"... the other is very "Slow down, buddy, it's only Associated Content, and really, those articles you wrote were mild throw-aways."

I suppose mostly I'm pleased because I really didn't feel they'd go for it and actually publish it....I wrote them half-heartedly, just to see if I could come up with something to write, not fully expecting them to take me seriously...

All the same, it's nice to be seen. The typos are a bitch though.

The two articles are on this page under "Achievements of a sort."

Some of it isn't all that bad.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight: A Few Thoughts

okay.. nothing official.. but.. Bella's friends were amazingly douchy, and the music cues weren't always spot on..but the movie was true to the book, and some of the scenes really pleased me. Sure, the movie had serious CW teeny bopper bullshit moments, but getting past that, it was fun to watch. Go see it. Don't listen to naysayers..or umm..relatives..cough. Last scene of the film made it entirely worth watching.

Thanks for your attention~

Also..side note.. Edward looks a helluva lot like Brendan Fraser a la With Honors. Immediately noticed the parallel appearance.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

..cause it's a new day..and imma gonna be okayyy..

Hope for the Sad Emo Kid

I stared down for houred minutes
Into a descending valley of self woe
You'd think it was the right cue to finally cry out..
And yet I only bit my lip

A big deal out of nothing it seems
Though from nothing comes big deals
How easily this can be forgotten
But I only faux-grin and shake my head

Then all at once the epiphany arises
The short-term vanishes and shows me the Grand Scheme
What was once the last fatal blow really just a papercut.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The verbal knife cuts deep.

I think I made the wrong decision. Should not have paid rent, should have left when I had the chance.

I'm a fool.

The end.

PS. I'm too broke to get out of my head. Lucky me.

A good day after all.

I needed some cheering up today. No question there. Library never has any copies of Twilight, and yet they had just received a copy of the last book in the series(Didn't bother to memorize it yet, too preoccupied with its predecessor..).. Good fortune there.

But..for a further act of providence, I recalled the instant joy of ebooks.(Dabbled in this during the Potter days..) So, in being the proper pirate that I am(yes, yes, I am.), I downloaded the first three novels in the series.(Arrest me. Go ahead. Boofrickity hoo, I'm as evil as anyone else desiring a good mental meal.. and if this is the worst of my crimes, I think I'm better for it.)

I'm very pleased about what I've been reading so far.. Quite honestly, I've been looking for a good work.. It's about time.

As for the movie, I'm still uncertain. I want to see it, but at the same time, I'm hoping it won't be another boring foray into teeny bopper faux-romance/drama most modern movies of this caliber.

The books are mystifying, beautifully imagined works. I just fear that Hollywood will deconstruct and crapify them.

...I'd love to be wrong about this.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Life: A Steaming Pile of Cowdung

So, didn't get the job. Fine, whatever.

And to add insult to injury, my harddrive is dead. Was trying to view videos on xbox, it worked for a while, then didn't.. tried everything to make it work, no avail. In a fit of rage, I threw it on the rug..and broke it.

I now have nothing. None of my music, none of my youtube videos.. All gone.

I'm past anger and moved to shock.

*Edit*- 11/18/08-3:35am: After thinking it over, I've come to two conclusions on this-- 1. I really have to control my anger/need to be right... It's childish and I shouldn't let it so easily overtake me. 2. It's not over.. just another kickstart in an endless stream of new beginnings. Shouldn't shun it but embrace it for what it can be.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Interview Afterthoughts

Interesting day today... interview went fairly well, I think. Odd though.. Was told by h.r recruiter that the company is hiring, and would be in touch within roughly 2-3 weeks with an answer..I was then set up with a typical skills testing..After the test, same recruiter asks me to come in tomorrow at 10am to meet with manager... Does this mean that I'm all sorts of cool and they want to hire me on the spot..or do they do this with all potential employees?

Thought it would be lame to ask her about it, so I'll just assume positively.

Strange though. She said the 2-3 week schpeel so nonchalantly..but made it a point to ask me about tomorrow.. hmmm..

Think I'll pleased then for the time being.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pseudo-Review: Queen + Paul Rodgers- The Cosmos Rocks

Okay, not a real review here..but I'm digging parts of this album. I'm not much on solo Paul Rodgers(though he has a great voice for a 59 year old dude), and Queen is my home musically. So, I'll say this: The songs wherein both groups are equally represented rock my socks.

The tune "Small" is a great example... decent playing, moving lyrics, and the mildly reminiscent harmony vocal line in the background...all gel really well..and subsequently, does it for me.

Does the album always work this way? Hell no. But, when you don't have the elemental Freddie bits(can't really compare him to Paul, it's futile. Paul is good but completely has his own sound..and Freddie was very...Freddie. How the hell else could you define that voice? Like trying to understand the concept "infinite possiblity" probably get it, but not fully), you're left trying to find what gems remain(Brian/Roger Queenesque harmonies, standard May guitar solos, etc. )

And they do exist.

Hey, I 'm pretty I guess umm..

..yeah it's alot like that.

A new tale...finally.

Yes, it's true. After 8 months of creative silence, a random blurb has been written. On the right side of this page, there is a section called "Recent Shorts".

Haphazardly is the new story.

Thanks for your interest.


..PS. The rss feed feature on this site is quite lackluster. Yup. I said it.

A 3am Impromptu


Cloudy taps seem to go clockwise at once
The leaky sky fauceting upon a human 'race'
Knowing fully what's to come
I casually storm on into the eye

A half-joking lament is imparted for the sad synthetic soles
Whose main decks threaten an imminent breach
"What luck indeed!" sounds the clarion call
As my 'violin grin' plays on for slowly sinking me

The world soon becomes a public shower
For myself and those bravely remaining few
Such is the price for an autumn well spent
Guess we'll just have to cheer up and slosh a bit.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gripe: Episode II(6-10): Bad For Business

This series is mildly longer than the last, so I don't think I'll be going into great lengths to explain what happened in each episode...That being said, if something amazing does come up, I'm sure I'll be all over it.

Music for this ep was nice and mild..Can always count on Bowie for something different.

*Unrelated election rant*: Obama is the new president. I'm pleased about it. It's about time we have someone who isn't a scumbag in a seat of power. Let's hope that idea is maintained through this presidency. Oh, and you don't have to agree with me. I don't often throw my hat into politics(1. I see enough corruption in the world without it. 2. It bores the hell out of me.), but I'm always hoping(Yeah, I know, cynic in me should have cut off hope at the knees by now, but hey, I still happens) to see a decent person running the ship. Good to know it happened..and in my lifetime. The end.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gripe: Episode I (1-5): Strangers & Trains

Now, this was a fun show to do. Sit around and tell what pissed us off for that given day or week. 5 things. No more or less. Definitely could have kept going with this theme if I hadn't mentioned wanting to do about 20-25 gripes for the series. Silly. Very silly. But, have no fear. We have a complete record of all of those. First ep didn't suffer the first ep curse in this series. Lucky for us~

Side note: The opening theme was a great choice. Although, I did enjoy having to pick out a new one every week, I still very much enjoy this first one. Also, playing different characters should have been an ongoing feature, but too much was going on at the time, and it only happened twice. Shame.

Adventure Anywhere: Episode III

This is the Utah entry.. Another commentary type episode.. I suppose you could say that had the show continued, I would have definitely stayed within that format. It allowed me to document my thoughts/feelings at the time, and it's very amusing to go back and reflect on those thoughts. There was a serious hiatus between Episode II and this one...but I love that the show was easily brought back and continued.

Short series. Good concept though~

Adventure Anywhere: Episode II

This episode is a shade more chatty than the last.. feels more cohesive, I suppose. Shoprite is wonderous yet scary place. You'll see that for yourself soon enough.

Doing commentary was much fun. Felt more like a proper journey instead of a meandering this time out~

Adventure Anywhere: Episode I

This show was pretty much the same format as Excursions, except that it was much less planned, and usually only featured me. Wanderings, observations, locales-- that was the focal point.

What I would have wanted for this never happened. A full circle would have been great. Start in NJ, go to UT, end in NJ. Didn't happen. But then, the show never really wasn't about planning either~

Excursions: Episode II

This episode completely ruins the previous example of episode 1's kicking 2's butt in terms of quality. In other words, I very pleased about how this show came about...and I gratefully thank my guest stars for that.

This is the only time that animals(besides humans) graced our network. Good times.

Also, the opening credits were a bit more 80's than I realized..but that's okay too~

Side note: Please excuse the little jerkoff in the red shirt... He knew we were filming, and stood there anyway..If I had any desire to do so, I'd edit this and make him catapult off the screen. Yes, yes, I would. Thank you.