Sunday, August 30, 2009

"InstaSuck"-- A Good Thing.

I love shows that suck you right in at the first ep and keeps the momentum of that--

How I Met Your Mother is definitely one of them.

Sorta been missing it, so I'm gonna marathon the 4 seasons that are out in a week or so.

We'll see how that goes..

Usually if I get a fix of a certain show, I'm good for while.. so chances are I'll probably watch a few eps, then take a break from it..

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Weird dream last night... dreamt I had an mp3 video player that allowed me to see "episodes" of my past... Like a tv show of my life on this little screen.

Was so..real.

My brother was around in most of them.

Strange who sticks out in memories of one's past.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

At Sun's End

I wish summer would just finally go away--

We've been stabbing it for the last few weeks, and yet somehow it still manages to keep showing its face...

It's gotta be kinda like Madmartigan trying to kill Kael, had to use two different swords to do it, and still Kael kept trying to engage him in fisticuffs. (Yeah, I just watched Willow last night...sorry..still fresh in my brain.)

Go away, Sun, you have no friend here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A little griping before coffee.

I very much dislike how it feels like I'm just fulfilling an obligation when it comes to working mornings-- Of course, if I had any say in it, I wouldn't be apart of the morning. That's probably why I do not like it.

Logical, this morning. What a treat.

Thursday, August 20, 2009 don't spread this around but..

..the Candyman can cause he mixes it with love...

..and makes the world....taste good.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend Recap:
The magic of 80's child rearing tapes...
and good times with pals.

I never realized how comfy carpet sleeping can be until this weekend.. Good times with Lynds and Richie, and wow, what a strange childhood it must have been to have to listen to cassettes of random people telling you to be nice to your parents and obey everything.. Seriously. My creepy childhood brainwashing was no picnic either.. but consider this: Psalty was a crazy bible book, but he only wanted me to sing songs and occasionally play music on his onboard piano...oh, and get into adventures with his scary ass "mice" friends.

Get this though... there's an actual world of Obey, wherein you should do everything adults tell you and be sure to eat what the Doctor orders...and if you don't, you'll have to be pals with this grumpy old dude who makes crappy lemonade. I kid you not.

Ummm.. those tapes are too damn funny-- I wish to hear the whole set sometime.

And, on an unrelated(?) note, I want Batman Season 1 (60's) series released. It probably won't happen, looked it up.. alot of legal crap between several studios will tie this up for a while.


Lastly, Richard makes a mean 2am quesadilla.. and that fabulous a la king is appropriately title a la dios.

And Joshua is not allowed to corrupt the GT Express 101(yes, yes, it is cool.) with his crazy ranch dressing experiments..

It's been a good weekend.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Low Calorie Mid Level Post

Was going to start off this entry with "I know, I know, I have to post Balderdash"..but really, I'm in no hurry with that. I won't sit here and berate myself because I haven't had time to post it yet..

Seriously. :)

It'll get done when it's good and ready to do so..

And so, I'll start with my alternate opening:

The trouble with being on shift and getting some sleep is simply that; getting some sleep on shift.. You're lucky if you average more than 3 plus hours of sleep during a night shift-- which is all well and good because sleep is a necessity to keep you going....but I think I'd rather forgo the sleep entirely instead of getting just 3 hours. 3 hours is such a tease.

It'll be alright though. I could keep going with this "blah blah blah it's gonna be great morning, it'll be busy and fast and go by quick."..but honestly? I just want to go back to bed.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Something to consider..

Really must make time to hit the library soon.. it's been at least two weeks since I've had anything new in terms of books, tvshowsondvd, etc..

And how you ask would I know this?

It's also the length of time it's been since I've shaved my face..

Disturbing/Fascinating that I can set my life to my beard growth.

Yeah. I need to get out more.

Also, I haven't forgotten about broadcasting the lost Balderdash, folks. Just been taking some downtime from writing lately.. It should be up either sometime today or this weekend. Will do my best.. Love to you and all like you. Have a great day(Weather in the late 70's this weekend..Yay!).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Birthday Recaption de la city

Good friends, good times, good gaming..

A good birthday overall..

oh.. and did I mention a "lost" Balderdash game?!

Yes, yes, more to come~