Sunday, December 27, 2009


Great Christmas this year---
Not so great cold.
New obsession with Zuma's Revenge.
Not so new desire to nap alot.
Full fascination with auto-tune the news.
Full recovery from said fascination, in fact, go away, autotune.

Pretty great time off with friends.
2009 is ending better than I thought it could.

Shocker: Taylor Swift blended with Coldplay equals listenability.
(didn't see that coming..)

Friday, December 25, 2009

The twist of fate..

...I feel grateful.....and.. I feel loved..

Christmas miracles are really real.

I know that now..

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Week Recap..

So, let's see--

Pretty decent week, aside from the typical lack of sleep, and the minimal time to do much--but that's mostly because of the sleep thing. Class seems pretty easy to grasp, no big to dos there, and of course, I probably have a much better outlook over the whole thing because it's Saturday and I've actually slept more than 4 hours.(Score!).

The living environment has been a blessing--I don't stress as much, I work normal hours, and I don't have to deal with shady types. I don't have to numb out every night watching random 80's movies on stagevu(Though I'm sure I could if I wanted to.) Really, I feel less cloudy these days. Almost purposeful.

More to come~

Monday, December 14, 2009

First day impressions.

Pretty decent first day at the new gig--

Amusing despite the yawning I did.

Segues are a beautiful thing in a busy class.

Feeling like a "real" adult today despite the hints of 'first day of school' vibes (Which was cute and funny..), but it feels good to really get out there and do something instead of stagnating like I have been.
It's like I'm trying a new face of sorts, still me, but slightly more responsible..

Probably too soon to say that--but definitely feels like a step in the right direction..

More to come-

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sorry for the delay but..

I got the Convergys gig!

I'm out of the damn hostel!

I left San holding the bag! (Okay, that's mean, but.. oh look, I don't care!)

Everything is turning into a figurative fondue pot of goodness, and I can scarcely relay how happy/relieved/filled with hope I am.

A big thanks to my loving friends-- I wouldn't be thriving without you.
Please understand how much I appreciate it.

And as for me... it's about time that things turned around.


Sunday, December 6, 2009


Pretty great weekend.. I do very much the lighthearted brevity of hanging out with good friends, enjoying good food, and kicking butt on Diablo 2.

Plus, there seems to be some hope for the near future on the horizon--and that makes me feel a little better about things.

Just applied to 3 jobs at Discover--fingers crossed for that one.
And currently applying to US Census 2010 call center job--temp but a good start..