Billy Dee Williams

Vanessa Williams

Barry Williams a last minute fill in for Robin Williams-
Special Guest:
William Shatner

Recording Date: 6/20/09
Filmed on Location at: Casa de Burgener's
Hello, hello one and all, and welcome to the very last episode of Balderdash: The Series! We're happy to have you back for this exciting final round, with a select grouping an All Williams All Star cast on this roster. It's been quite a wild ride, and with a predominant blend of Words and Movie Titles, we intend to go out with a bang! So..with that being said, let's take a deep breath, suit up and....
Away we go!
1.Words- "Biggins"
BW: A portly child
WS: A species of gnat roughly seventy times the size of a normal gnat.
*BDW: The basket in a coffee pot that holds the coffee grounds.
VW: ..slang in Great Britian, means "to grow".
2. Abbreviations- "L.N.F.C."
*BDW: Leonard Nimoy Fan Club
VW: League of Nations Financial Corporation
WS: Look No Further Consortium
BW: Leotards Never Fit Corporation
3.Movie Titles- "Another Flip For Dominic"
WS: Dominic owns a pancake joint in danger of going under. The community bands together to raise the money he owes so that he might flip pancakes again.
*BW: A time traveling government agent in the 21st Century changes the past to make the future better.
VW: The story of Russian gymnast Dominic Vlatski, the 14 year old who won the gold in Calgary in 1984.
BDW: After a fall off the pommel horse leaves gymnast Dominic Heady paralyzed, he begins a new life of flipping homes for profit.
4.Laws- "In Detroit, MI, it is against the law to fall asleep while..."
VW: ...driving an American-made automobile.
WS: ...discoing.
*BW: ...taking a bath.
BDW: ...serving on a jury.
5.Abbreviations- "L.P.B.T."
*BDW: Ladies Professional Bowling Tour
WS: Long Point Bacon Traders
BW: Liposuction Positioning Bilateral Transmission
VW: Licensed Pilots of Bahamas Today
6.Movie Titles- "Sunny Side Up"
WS: The sun explodes, destroying the Earth. The only survivors live on the dark side of the moon.
*BW: After a woman working at a big city pickle factory gets stressed out, she moves to the countryside to relax.
BDW: A failing roadside diner is visited by inquisitive aliens who bring hope to the ailing owners and ideas for saving the business.
VW: A cartoon about optimistic eggs on a farm.
7.Words- "Rutmus"
*VW: A mixture of mashed potatoes and turnips
BW: Christmas for bums.
WS: A tool for clearing out the ruts in a wagon path.
BDW: A nutritive carpet of decomposing leaves.
8.Movie Titles- "The Amazing Dr. G"
*BW: Italian movie take-off on the James Bond film GoldFinger.
BDW: After discovering a spot that pleasures every woman, Dr. G. is on the run from militant feminists.
VW: Doctor Giggles is back after escaping from jail, and this time he's taking on new \u201cpatients\u201d in Australia.
WS: A tale about a therapist that finds god and begins to preach to his patients earning him the nickname "Doctor God" or "Dr. G" for short.
9.Movie Titles- "Second Thought"
VW: A female lawyer gets a divorce and moves in with a wizened old hippie.
*WS: An inspirational story of a man overcoming his second thoughts about adopting a child.
BW: A short documentary starring Bill Nye The Science Guy chronicling the many unsafe experiments he's performed over the years.
BDW: An inner city school teacher starts to hear thoughts that aren't her own. Is she going mad or being warned of a sinister evil...
10.Words- "Soogeemoogee"
WS: A slang word for intercourse made popular in the 1920's.
*VW: A nautical cleaning compound used for cleaning boats.
BDW: The sound a drunk cow makes.
BW: Ritualistic Asian squaredancing.
And now...for the final time, this concludes another episode of Balderdash. And as the series draws to close, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our special guests for starring throughout the show, and to especially thank you, the audience for coming along on this spectacular ride. So, from all us here at Balderdash....see you in syndication....and perhaps.. Beyond!
Of course, how can we possibly end the show without...
Bonus Games!
*1. Words- "Bletting"
*VW: The spotting that occurs on fruit when it starts to rot.
BDW: Short for blood-letting the medical practice of draining blood from a patient's head to cure headaches and psychological disorders.
BW: When a better loses at the race track and tries to explain this to a loan shark who just punched him in the mouth.
WS: Slang combination of bluffing and betting...betting something you do not have.
*2. Words- "Sigogglin"
BW: The euphoric facial expression found on those who have just eaten a caramel apple.
*BDW: Tilted to the right.
WS: The traditional dwelling of the Arapaho Indians.
VW: Tool used by Nasa to inspect space dust and moon rocks.
*3. Words- "Myomancy"
VW: The term for a malignant tumor found in the breast.
*BDW: Fortune telling by watching the movement of mice.
BW: The famous slurring of "My old aunt Nancy", made famous by Abraham Lincoln.
WS: A voodoo curse for causing an enemy to lose his sight.
*4. Movie Titles- "12+1"
BDW: In the future, a wayward comet smashes into the Earth, changing its orbit around the Sun. Suddenly, the 12 months of 2020 are over and yet there's another month to come; a month of darkness.
BW: Film regarding Stephen Hawking, in an attempt to stop time, forgets to add the necessary integers 12 + 1 in the time equation and loses his wheelchair in the Mesozoic Era.
*5. Words- "Vibrasse"
BW: Vietnamese goats in captivity.
*WS: The hair in the nostrils.
VW: An exotic animal that resembles a zebra wearing a bra.
BDW: The technical term for coin-operated vibrating beds commonly found in sleazy motels. (Is this really the last answer seen on this show?? Eh. Why not.)
The stars were:
Vanessa Williams : Whoville
Billy Dee Williams: Dick
Barry Williams: Jimmy
William Shatner: Enrico
...thanks for the magic. See you soon~
1 comment:
I sorta wanna play this again. Shhh.
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