Friday, October 30, 2009

Nanowrimo and other.

Was beating myself up about what I should do with Nanowrimo coming up in a few days--- I really had nothing, just images as usual...but then I remembered a story idea I had about 5 years back about two friends who really loved movies..the plots, the characters, the damsel in distress, and the battling hero and villian... The tale of these two guys who break apart from some reason and go down a different paths, but meet up in the middle with unfinished business.

I can see it working, and I hope it does..

A decent morning so far.

A little bit of a sour stomach, but I'll probably be able to work through that with any luck.

Prayers and good thoughts to Richard today--he's going through some stuff today, and I hope everything turns out okay.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eddie Afterthoughts and Weekend Stuff

Cruisers turned out to be good through it in less than 2 days.. Characters were vibrant, saw definite pieces of myself in "Wordman" Ridgeway(Moreso in the movie than the book, but still.) Ending was little to be desired--much prefer the idea that Eddie was still alive, and the tapes were floating around out there. Owes more to the mystery and intrigue.

As for the Not Quite Human Series-- Mostly campy. Some of it works(and makes me chuckle), and some of it is outdated and cornballish. Was it fun? Definitely. Is Alan Thicke my choice for best tv dad? Always. Was Robin Lively crush-worthy? You bet.

Speaking of which, it's Winona Ryder's 38th today.. She's still pretty, that one. It's the eyes really.

Wanting the weekend to show up...I hate how the clock takes it time when I need to speed up. That's pretty inconsiderate. Will most likely be seeing This Is It... not taking any expectations in with me despite the good reviews..

Hope it's a decent day where you peeps are.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Must My Wheels Turn At Night...
..and other news.

Can't sleep. The working long shifts and drinking too much coffee doesn't help matters, but then I get to thinking...stupid things really...things I could be wondering about during shift--like trying to stream my dvds across the network so that every computer in the place could have access during the day---or doing the same but in analog for music in the building..considering the amount of wiring it would take or if I could just patch into the pre-existing telephone wires to a main board and several strategically placed speakers...

Yeah. Stupid crap like that.

In other news, a good weekend this past one.. hung out with my bestie Who and good friend Suki-- actually watched about ten mins of Back To The Beach, played a little mario kart (always a blast), and had a good laugh at their cute cats.. That Tony kid likes to mark territory. Note to self: Cats shed when they get all up in your face.

Dollar movies Pottering was fun, but the main pride and joy of the evening was Richard's take on Zupa Toscana.. What fiendishly good soup that is. Was going to make a Weekend Confection blog about it, but the time past...and so, you'll just have to take my memory of it as genuine--it was that good.

I'm praying that I don't have a crash today, and yet, I have no desire to continue with the coffee, though I'm going to have to.. I really am my own worst enemy sometimes.

It's all your fault, Brain. I blame you entirely.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Updates and schtuff.

I really have to find a way to control my temper around this job--
Woke up with sore knuckles from the wall hitting from yesterday.
It's hard to keep it together when surrounded by such stupid people,
but it's not really fair to Future Me when Past Me gets upset and
cannot find another way to express it.

Ahhhh.. Really wish people could stop acting like jackasses
and be a little more conscious of the environment they create.

Anyway.. I'm feeling alot better since then.

Rejoined Nanowrimo--not sure how I feel about that just yet.
It seems 2001 really was the most productive year for me in
terms of writing...and Nano had a hand in that.

I'm probably off, but it seems that I become much more in tune with
the writer in myself during age 19 and 21 were my most effective writing years...maybe I just need to shake that image of myself and try to embrace 27...

We'll see.

It would be really great to recapture some of that creative explosion and harness it to finish the project--just need to find out what that project will be this year.

Hope morning is panning out for you peeps...

I'm still trying to kick out the jams on coffee.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pretty weird dream..

So...I'm back home, it's Easter, and all my relatives are at my parents house in PA.
I'm getting Easter cards filled with money from these people, and I'm on an Easter Egg hunt with my brother. We're both our current age while doing this. I mention to him that I'm saving this loot to come home and find a job, and if that doesn't pan out, I'm going back to UT... He tells me he just got out of jail and needs the money to pay his rent. He tries to tell me what it was like in jail, and I tell him that we both did time together once...whatever that means.


I guess that's what happens when random stuff I'm thinking about blends with crazy nonsense and blends together.

Monday, October 19, 2009


...A good weekend.. a quiet weekend..

I couldn't be more grateful for it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Balderdash! : Lost Episodes- #2
"Has Been Huxtables" Edition





& Theo

Recorded in front of a live studio audience
Shot on location at Rose Petal Studios
Discovered on: 10/10/09

Welcome one and all to another lost episode of our favorite game ever....


That's right, kiddies, we're back with not two, not three,
but count them
four Has Been Huxtables!

What have they been up to?

What happened to their careers after that famous sitcom,
you might ask...

Not much apparently if they had time to do our little show!

Ah, we jest. We love these middle aged child actors,
and we consider them good sports for taking time out to play;
so from all of us here at Balderdash, thanks guys.

And you know what?

A coke, a smile, and a jello pudding pop to whoever wins~

And on we go!

1. Names: "Lotan Baba"

*S: Indian National Hero who once stood still for 7 years in a row.

D: An Asian dictator that ruled in the days long before Chairman Mao.

T: The guy in the shower in prison that everyone fears. (Theo misheard the name as "Lotan Bubba...hilarity ensued.)

E: Winner of the International Martial Arts Competition for three consecutive years.

2. Movie Titles: "Hambone & Hille"

E: This heartwarming tale about a man's love for, and subsequent marriage to his pet pig was banned in 3 southern states.

*T: An old lady shuffles 3,000 miles across America looking for the dog she lost at the airport.

S: A young hippie becomes disillusioned with his life and joins the army during the Vietnam War.

D: The story of an inbred farmer's wife who had to go kill a pig to get the hamhock used to make pea soup.

3. Words: "Decussated"

T: The rinsing of one's mouth out with soap for using profanity.

*D: Shaped like an x.

S: A practice that became illegal in 1896, involved parents beating the cuss words out of their children.

E: The condition of having had one's tongue cut out as punishment for the use of profanity.

4. Names: "John Cade"

D: The inventor of hemorrhoid cream.

*S: Former US mailman who was caught with over 6,000 lbs of mailed burned in his backyard.

E: Inspiration for the Mortal Kombat character "Johnny Cage", he worked as a Hollywood stuntman for martial art films.

T: Performed the whistling belly button trick at his grandmother, Eleanor Roosevelt's funeral.

5. Laws: "In Louisiana, it is against the law to rinse your...."

*E: ...mouth or gargle in public.

T: ....self off in a publicly displayed window.

S: chicken in the community water supply.

D: ....moonshine bottles on the bayou.

6. Movie Titles: "Loose Connections"

S: A man is fixing his computer when the power surges and he gets sucked inside. He then explores various websites on the internet.

*T: A feminist looking for a travel mate gets stuck with a male chauvinist posing as a gay man.

D: The tale of a pair of prostitutes whose "pimp daddy" feels they aren't making the grade with clientele.

E: A romantic comedy about electricians in love and their fear of getting burned.

7. Words: "Deasil"

S: A space gadget created by NASA to carry moon rocks.

D: Diesel's smaller and unknown cousin. He doesn't get alot of attention.

E: An inebriated ferret with destruction on his mind.

*T: To move towards the right.

8. Names: "Donald Shiraldo"

*D: Inventor of a toe exercising device that stretches muscles of the big toe.

T: Angry stepbrother of Geraldo Rivera, he seeks justice through daytime talk shows.

E: The love child of Donald Sutherland and Gerald Rivera, as portrayed in the Lifetime movie "Don't Take Away My Soaps!"

S: Gerald Rivera's mentor and friend-- changed "Gerald" to "Geraldo" and watched the money roll in.

9. Movie Titles: "Pass The Ammo"

*E: A young couple plan to steal back $50,000 of inheritance money that a tv preacher stole from their family.

D: A bunch of badasses are in a war, shooting up some fools.

S: Young republicans spend a week at Charlton Heston's ranch and hilarity ensues.

T: Charlton Heston stars in a tragic lovestory involving a Chinese spy tangled in a game of Russian Roulette.

10. Movie Titles: "Ladies Crave Excitement"

S: Barren women are locked up due to their infertility until they are broken out by makers of adult toys.

*D: 1935 comedy adventure about 2 ladies who follow a news team around as they try to get the big scoop.

E: It's 'Showgirls' meets '007' in this farce about American strippers becoming British Special Agents.

T: "Excitement", a new wonder drug that tastes like anything you can imagine has pregnant women across the nation in a tizzy.

And there you have it-- another great game of Balderdash. We hope you've enjoyed this episode as much as we have, and return once again for another of these rare gems...

Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time on..





Did you really think we'd leave without...


Bonus Game!

*1. Movie Titles: "Don't Mess With My Sister"

T: After getting off an airplane, Mr. T was picked up by terrorists who had stolen his sibling.
The title of the film was said over the opening credits.

S: A popular girls gets meaner and meaner because of poisoned lipstick given to her by her little brother.

*E: A man has an affair with a bellydancer. When his wife finds out, she has her mobster brother teach him a lesson.

D: A loving tale of an overprotective brother who wants former cell-block homies to back off, yo.

This week's has-beens were:

Elvin: Dick
Sondra: Who
Denise: Sarah
Theo: Mr. Jingles

We lovingly dedicate this episode to the enduring memory
of our very own Reverend Jimmy Badass.

You'll be missed~

Weekend Confection #2

Hello, dear friends.

Submitted for your approval, I present unto you this weekend's confection:

*Wide tacky closeup of 'scary' ass zombies*

Sugar Hill!

This madcap blaxsploitation romp can be loosely described as a zombie film.
In fact, if wanted to know real horror, just watch the smiling black dude who happens to be their leader..

Shot in 1974, you can already sense that this might be "lost" gem (Lost is probably appropriate), but the special effects are so wonderfully bad that you can find yourself swept up in the bs. (Hardly any makeup on the zombies--oh sorry, metal ball bearings from tires are put in their eyes. I'm usually a wuss when it comes to scary and I just kinda sneered at them when they came on screen. Ooooh.. You have metallic eyes! Stop! Help! Police... )

Oh, and now for a word about costumes.


Most likely from Sister Soul or some band that thought being futuristic was the in thing-- Seriously, the costumes that the head wackjob wears make very little sense...and the frequency in which she changed her costumes/hairstyles would give you whiplash.

Speaking of things that make no sense-- The whole movie is about this cool dude with a fro (Langston) who, in my humble opinion, had the best wardrobe in this crazy thing--sparkling 3 piece suit (When I saw that, I knew this film would be magical.). He gets kicked alot and subsequently murdered by some whities(Yeah, there's like two nice white people in this whole thing, the rest are assholes. It's a blaxploitation thing, I suppose.), and never seen again.

Okay. It's a zombie movie, right? Why wasn't he resurrected and sent after them nasty white dudes and had their shit jacked?

F that noise. I'm white and even I feel disappointed by that fact.

Lastly, there was an old chick in this jive turkey of a film, but she's nothing to bark about. In fact, she kinda freaked me out. She called scary smiley black dude (who's cane incidentally looked like Richard Pryor in the Wiz.. Check out the last Confection for details.), and just hung out not doing much. Not really what I'd call integral to the plot.

Overally, 3 stars. 1 for plot and 1970's cheesiness and 2 for allowing for snarky commentary.

Good times, kiddies.

Will next week follow suit and be another blaxploitation film??
Find out!

Your Friendly Uncle S-

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A little excerpt from a certain Sing Along Blog..


Go ahead – run away

Say it was Horrible

Spread the word –

tell a friend

Tell them the tale

Get a pic – do a blog

Heroes are over with

Look at him – not a word

Hammer, meet nail..."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mind keeps time while
Anderson's "Oh Superman" ticks on..

"You can come as you are..but you'll pay as you go.."

That's making so much sense to me right now.

Am currently in a double blind.
I keep seeing these airy visions of home,
but sidestepped by current situation of dual hopelessness.
And while going back would help mentally,
it would ruin the physical stasis I've maintained.
I'd miss the familiarity/comfort of my true friends
and the security of one's own 'home'..
I'd fully lose all the goodness that mattered
in this dark situation.

I sometimes hate me when I have to do battle with myself.

And so, I've shut it off for now.
Hoping my brainwave patterns soon resume a normal flow
before I can hope to continue weighing the bullshit
(pros/cons, cause/effect).

Why is that when I'm gone for too long...the rain must fall.

Too many whys in my life.

*Synth part is looping in my mindscape.*

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bday Acknowledgement and Other..

A very happy 34th birthday to Kate Winslet. You are lovely.

In other news...

Some french dude here at work is yapping away on the phone...

It feels like 'Muzzy' in here.. Remember those horrid commercials from the mid to late 90's about a bear that teaches us french?

Yeah. It's alot like that.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Heroes has made a comeback for me--

I forgot how much I enjoyed Season 1... when the concept was fresh and new; just finding out about how things work, and everyone's purpose to the plot..

Good stuff.

Oh yeah, that reminds me...Hiro really is the best character, though at first viewing, I thought Mohinder Suresh had the most potential---the one seeking to finish his father's work, and make sense of the theory. Cool idea.

But ultimately, it goes to Hiro and Ando..if he has to be around.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Words of J and the lack thereof.

Yes, I realize it's been a few since I've posted, but honestly, if you've seen my last post, you'd know that there really isn't much more for me to say-- It was just that awesome.

No. I kid. I joke. Or do I...

Nothing much to report- Fairly boring and yet tedious (shocker!) week so far. As it happens, I'm most likely to find my mundanity to be simple that--hum drum and less than stellar.

Yes, I actually wrote hum drum. You don't have to go to your Grammy's house and ask her what that means, because quite simply, it refers to all that is dreadfully boring.

Thanks for your attention.