Monday, July 27, 2009

A Brighter Morning...

Yup. Totally called it.. Things can turn around easily.

Called plasma place, just need a letter from the GM stating that I work here.. So that's done.

And I just realized that I only have to work til 10:30 tonight..will be off til 3pm the next there's time to sleep in that.

Everything isn't always as bad as it seems...or can at least be managed.

Grumpy Rant

Frustrating weekend.

Plasma is threatening to cut me off---finally found out that I live at Avenues, and that they don't accept people from there(understandable, there's alot of gross bastards from here..)...then I mentioned that I work there, and they were like "Yeah, we're gonna need proof of that." Losers.

Also, am considering asking boss for some sort of wage compensation-- been working here long enough, and worse yet, my hours have dramatically increased.. I really feel like slave. Also, it's making getting a real job that much harder to do-- have no time to go on interviews, etc. So, yeah, I think I'm entitled.

The plasma thing just has me in a worry knot. I need it to keep going.

And yeah, my birthday is coming up. I just wish I could be happier about it.. or at the very least, just let it pass without having to think about it.. I hate how much time I waste.

If you need me, I'll be working for the next 24 hours. F this job.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A few new thoughts...

I really hate not having time for anything-- for myself, for friends, for just sleeping properly. This damn job is ruining the whole thing, and worse yet, I've had to start kicking people out due to an unfavorable article in the local news (who the hell cares about local downtown Salt Lake news anyway...stupid stuff neighbors and crappy 2nd journalists, that's who.)...and worse yet, I had to write a retraction to this-- of which I agree with the negative reporting...How droll.

Need a worse yet? This will probably get published, and I shall receive no credit for it. To think that most of this will be my words(not that I agree with what I wrote).. Nothing is sacred.

I hate having to be the bad guy in this, and I hate when I sign up for something, and the hours completely change because of one person's error.

This is the pits.

And I don't like summer at all-- Yes, yes, I'm a hypocrite, I bitched and moaned about the winter. Good, fine, laugh, I deserve it...but I really prefer winter... It's cold, it's unpleasant, but it's better than having to sweat.

Aren't I the whiny one today? Well, I've been sitting on this for a few days.. and I hear it's good to vent these things.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Writing Considerations.

I've been writing fiction lately-- it's been coming to me effortlessly, and for that I am grateful.

It's not the most important of topics, of course, but still, the idea that a flow like this can nearly generate itself entices me to consider the idea that I can be the person I once was-- a proper writer.

Mind you, I'm writing about Mother Goose. But perhaps it's the certain madness that makes it so easy to get to the next chapter. My own personal amusement and the amusement of a few others is what driving me to continue. Maybe that's what I need to inject into each idea.

Also, there's this freedom in knowing that I don't necessarily have to boggle myself down with finishing this...just write while it's fresh, and continue when it feels right.

I like that.

In an unrelated thought:

I've recently finished Belvedere. It was magic. Baby-steps to September's 3rd Season release..

Monday, July 13, 2009


Haven't been in the mood to say anything new.. big shock? Not really.

Okay week. Friends got their new house(go you!), and I didn't do much.

Belvedere is bringing back some good memories, and is standing on its own quite well. Hewett still cracks me up every time.

I also have Criminal Minds Season 2, but waiting on it---wanting to get a brief respite from all that seriousness with a little 80's frivolity first.. I don't laugh much during CM..but it's still a great show.

That's about it for now.

Maybe a better post sometime soon~

Monday, July 6, 2009

In case you weren't in the know..

the band begins at 10 to 6
as Mr. K performs his tricks..
..without a sound.

...And Mr. H will demonstrate
10 somersaults he'll undertake..
...on solid ground..

Having been some days in preparation,
A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

-Thank you for your attention.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th After Thoughts..

Great friends...decent entertainment...a pleasant relaxing holiday..

and the fireworks are just the best...

The finale always keeps me buzzed for a day or two after..:)

IHOP was a nice touch too