Tuesday, January 25, 2011

After Island Thoughts..

Most television shows are blown out of proportion; tagged and shown as some sort of amazing new thing to be cherished. Media campaigns, commercials every five mins, thoughts and reviews from trades and critics, all the marketing glub glub that you can handle is thrown out there. I was one of those people who didn't take much from the hype, never one to follow trends or get absorbed in what was considered 'popular'.

But then, every once in a good long while, a show comes along and owns up to its reputation.

And honestly...LOST makes me glad to be so very wrong..and lets me see that there's hope yet in this "ideas wrung to the last drop of creativity" world that we live in.. It does my heart good to know that some folks still dream up these little magic gems to inspire us for that briefly windowed 45 mins of brilliance.

Simply put.. it was entertainment at its best.

Season 6 is amazing. I urge you to see it if you haven't already.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

On reviewing my work at fictionpress...
I've come to wonder...

Are my scratches of prose truly that 'out there' so as to detract from those with mainstream eyes/sensibilities?

Or.. do they tend to fall more along the lines of...

What the hell are you talking about?
What's with all this meandering crapitude?

I know only myself, and in that, yes, I do find me to be a tad eccentric..but really though.. do my writings make sense at least? It's hard to maintain focus when you can't get a grasp of the words, I understand the concept.. but I can only hope that my english at least seems...readable?

Hmmm. I've got nothing on that.

In other news, Supernatural ended well..ish in Season 5. Has me thinking. Really hoping Season 6 is just as good if not better. Hearing rumors that our boys are going back to basics..(ie hunt, chat, cardshark, puns/eff'n great dialogue bits). Jimmy Beav's twitter keeps hinting about some awesomeness on the rise..

But... before that..

A few lingering things staying with me on S5's 'conclusion':

1. Chuck=God?

2. Sam in the closing shots..
A. How did he escape?
B. Is he still filled with a few millenniums worth of evil?
C. Was that a sadness/guilt ridden/bittersweet happiness for Dean&Lisa look on his face or one of "You'll soon feel my pissed off wrath...?"

Curiosity ensues.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Unexpected Never Fails To Entertain..

This entry is going to be mostly relayed through the parenthesis sections. Apologies for that, but they tend to expand on the surface sentences...as per my usual. Thanks. :)

Had a pretty good day yesterday.. Went to parents to recently discovered(only ever knew about one of their neighbors, but across the way is this whole other set of neighbors..it's like they've only just been painted into the scene, mostly because this is the first I'm hearing of them.. whatever the case may be... I prefer them so far to the ones I've met..but more on that later.)but favorably pleasant neighbors house for holiday cheer and downtime. Those folks definitely understand the joy of that-- we didn't do much, drank a little vino, ate wayyy too well/much(Best to mention that our hosts were Italian and very gracious..that..and my mother makes a very sexy Chicken Marsala pizza..her others are great, but this one stands out..), and had little discussions along the way.

Turns out that the lady host is an aspiring writer who actually went to the Gotham Workshop in the city(yeah, I had that dream too, but I can't fathom paying that much to be taught things I learned in hs and fully understanding that most of the funding goes to critiquing my work..which I can, if lucky, 'inspire' others to do for free.. still, I always wanted to go.. You know the story, big city, big dreams, having others like me to bounce ideas off...yeahh..), and from there, it goesssss..

Long story short, it was a nice afternoon, and doubly nicer to find both cordial hosts and a fellow kindred familiar with the pen..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 arrives...and begins with a prayer..

Oh, please, let this year...be my year.

Let me claim this one for me...for goodness and mercy..and lessen my usual poor judgement and silly pride..

Let it enrich me with its lessons, let it teach me the courage to hope and to fill lingering hollowness to the brim with genuine love and gratitude..

May others come to prosper as bountifully as I will be with these simple gifts..

...and if at all possible, please enlighten me with just a fraction of understanding into all the neverending hows and whys of my life...

..thank you..