Monday, March 29, 2010

This just in..

Wow, does this layout suck.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Too quiet..

Aren't I? Yeah, a little bit.

Really good day yesterday...things are back on the up of the rollercoaster.
Going to ride that out and enjoy it.

In other news,

It's Who & Suki's 6th Anniversary!
Congrats, guys. You do realize that's like
20 times the going rate of an average hollywood romance..
or at the very least, a highschool fling?

Hehe..umm.. I guess what I'm trying to say is way to go,
and I'm glad you kids are happy.

Things are good, peeps. I'm happy riding the tide.

Hope you're catching a wave and sitting on top of the world too~

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hello, Friday, Ready for a punch in the head?

Yeah. Take that, you.

Feeling pretty with it today, not gonna shirk out--

Probably be way productive and see what the day brings..
Midmornings really don't have to suck.

Haven't any real news, just feeling okay these days.
Weird dreams about Mom though..I'm sure she's okay,
but I tend to worry when this happens.

My subconscious mind is a fickle one indeed.

Oh, remember when I said I was going to change redo my layout and not be a slacker?

Yeah. Maybe a little premature on that..

Hope you're keeping it together and smiting Friday too~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ready to do battle w/ Wednesday.

First time in a long while I woke up feeling great--

Feeling focused, energized, ready for whatever.

Maybe proper sleep had a hand in it..yeah, it did.

Hope you're all cruising along too.

Friday, March 12, 2010

21st Century. Pfft.

Layout's background crapped out. Figures.
Back to default for a while.
Gonna try something new soon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Inadvertently walked 5 miles today--probably the most I ever did..

Sore like hell but wow...serious midweek achievement much.

Will I be doing it again soon? Hell no.

That is all~

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Layout City! Woohoo!

Was bored and frustrated the lame crap blogger offers in their templates.

And so, I've soldiered on with a new one...

Am I pleased? You bet I am~

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Today's new..thing.

A little boredom, alot of patience. What can I say.

.. am mildly pleased to present "The Preview"
-- a short revolving around a preview for a new gothic thriller entitled 'The Host'.

... umm.. enjoy that.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Voidial Farkitude.

And in the end, it's all just noise anyway.

(Don't read too much into that--as it happens, I'm not sure what it means either.)

I think lately I'm taking myself (read: my subconscious mind) too seriously.
Weird dreams are simply that. Weird.

Just gotta push on and see where things go-

About the title: Again, I don't know..just dig the sound of it.

Unrelated but as important: Been perusing my oldie but moldie livejournal to see if I'm as or more prolific than what went before... It's about the same, slightly more mature tone in the writing. Less "I did this/I did that" stuff, far more ellipses used.

How am I feeling lately?
Good question. Probably best to describe it as a fluctuating day to day transparency(in and out of sync), coupled with moments of solid jollity and fleeting contentment. Here. But not here. Wavering in all things, but still there's mountainary trickles of hope down the river.

Simple answer: Not bad, but could be doing better.
Plus column: Urge to write is slowly but surely returning.

Bottom line: Needing to refill reservoir of self-importance, and to find me again.

Hoping(operative word here) it'll happen...fairly soon.