1. I don't think I'd ever want anyone to come around and “box my ears”
2. Water is especially nice sometimes.
3. I like Martha's accent in The Secret Garden..
4. I haven't figured out why I like the color red so much...darker especially."
5. Multitasking is such fun; it's mental exercise.
6. I sometimes wish I could get paid for doing these things.
7. I wouldn't mind being 21 again, but with a 40 year old mind.
8. Finger-Food is just about the best there is. Everyone I know are all about the 3 course meals, and the seminal family gatherings...Me? A few people around or myself just enjoying simple things and having a few moments to enjoy the quiet.
9. I still have a lingering thing for hats—though I hardly ever wear any.
10. I'm not at all sure I'd be doing this list right now if I had internet—so for that I suppose it's a blessing in disguise. Haven't been writing as much as I'd like.
11. Always had a passion for lists.
12. I don't much like the company of birds or dogs—but if pressed, I'd be more inclined to prefer dogs...especially older ones.
13. Been considering the application of using electrical energy residing in humans to operate machinery..not like The Matrix where we all become collectors..but little things... If we all have this sporadic energy not being used, why can't it power my morning shave...or make bicycle riding less of a chore..
14. And if that doesn't work, harvesting lemons.. Was pretty sure that they produce electrical current too...
15. Another is corn flakes. Corn is being processed for fuel, yes? Why can't Frosted Flakes be used for something just as efficient? I'm sure we can think up some adverts for Tony The Tiger..
16. Been wondering if humans can really communicate with animals..nothing as fancy as Doctor Dolittle, mind, but some small innate understanding carrying over from Eden. We're all supposedly comprised of the small stuff, why should communication be so different than biological composition? Yes, yes, two unrelated features..but it would be cool knowing what the leopard was thinking prior to chasing the steer...Was it all just predatory or does he multitask too? 'Really should stop by the stream and have a quick drink before running..” Simple things.
17. And while still on that subject, it would be nice to project the former thought to plants. Some of these varieties can live for so many years and yet we have virtually no clue as to what they might be “talking” about. Imagine how many conversations we've missed over several millennium.
18. Still think it would be cool if dreams could somehow be recorded.
19. Is water really absorbed through the skin? And if that is the case, why bother having to drink it orally? Especially if one lived in a rainforest or somewhere that it rained very frequently.
20. Do flies or mosquitoes have any friends? Every time they come around, they have to come with human vicinity or land on them.. It makes me wonder if they have friends of their own.. They are always coming around and being irritating...as if they have no other purpose in life...Just nominated to be the attention whores of their species.
21. Do you suppose there are schools in Heaven? If so, it would be that much more enticing. I mean, no blaspheme intended, but if all you really do is socialize and worship deities forever, it might get a bit routine. If you can learn all there is to learn until the end of time, it might be far more fascinating than just sitting on heaven's porch with Uncle Larry and saying hallelujah every ten mins.. Again, no blaspheme intended.
22. Another one: God is, I'm sure, a busy entity...Would he/she/it find time to talk to all of the people inhabiting the home created for them..or would there just be a large gathering where all could be addressed at the same time.....Personally a little one to one time would be great. A lifetime of questions are just waiting to be asked. Hard to dictate these things to a messenger and wait a few days for the answers. Being omnipotent and omnipresent makes one assume that he/she/it could easily make time for these things.
23. Would it really be possible to digitize your existence after you die? I mean, all the knowledge, feelings, emotions, experiences one can have...could it be placed into a computer? You wouldn't necessary be 'conscious' for it, but could live on?
24. “Greensleeves was all my joy...” What are greensleeves? Are they what they suggest? Just sleeves that are green? Or is there more to it.
25. Been wondering how it is that subtitles actually enhance what I'm watching instead of distract from the action on the screen. I sort of watch both at the same time. Shouldn't that be exhausting?
26. What is the correct pronunciation of the “herbs”?
27. Back to theology for a sec: I've been wondering if once you've been cleared to enjoy heaven and so forth, will the bible characters and/or God talk in old translated English..or will they speak in the modern languages? And better still.. Do these people speak primarily in Hebrew? Communication could be severly limited if all we could do is look, point, and gesture at each other... Perhaps there's translators or language teachers up there. Hard to fathom with that many people around.
28. With so many new advances in technology and in communication especially, why are people still called away on business? Is talking through a computer still that impersonal? Or have we not fully progressed to holographic telecommunications yet? Projecting a three dimensional image of yourself into a chosen space without really being there. It would be very cool.
29. We've discovered many different universes/galaxies/supernovas, etc.. Are there galaxies existing in space that we cannot discover because they are so very small...
30. I rather like snarky folks—most of the time.
31. What is it about soothing sounds that are so appealing...why do they in fact soothe us.. I personally enjoy a crackling fire or horse footsteps on cobblestones... But why.
32. Why do clowns have to be so frightening.. and is it the laughter, the silliness, the makeup that makes them this way-- They just seem unnatural and wicked.
33. Not sure why I find waterfalls so appealing. They're just like any other water source, except that they flow in a certain direction...
34. Some actors just portray anger so much better than their contemporaries.
35. Why do children cry and flail arms when they're having a fit... Isn't it enough to be pissed and not be able to full express yourself than to worsen it by making loud noises and perform unnecessary movements? You're just exhausting yourself and sharing your noise pollution with others.
36. I'm sure children don't consider that---hell, I still don't when I'm throwing a fit..but what if we did during..Interesting stuff that would be.
37. Perception can be so annoying sometimes—especially when it can change after the fact. Instant understanding would be such a luxury.
38. Another pleasing sound: Ice rattling in a glass. Not sure where that one comes from.
39. Sweating is supposed to cool one down, right? It doesn't relax me or cool me down. It just makes me feel unpleasant and ready for a bath.
40. Another consideration on that: After having a sweat, why does the “overheated” feeling linger? Like it feels like one's skin is burning...What's even stranger than that is during a good cold shower, the steam seems to rise out of the skin. Sweat is counterproductive, it seems.
41. Not to be rude, but I don't think wheelchairs should just be for the handicapped. They seem like they could be really amusing—particularly jazzy chairs.
42. What makes jokes funny? What determines one's sense of humor. Is it environment? Upbringing? Appreciation of a certain brand of humor? Is this sort of thing embedded in our genes? For instance, if our parents think something is amusing 20 years before we're born, is there a fair chance that when we finally get around to it, we might find the same thing funny too? I don't think that can be predetermined.
43. These are some of the things I'd probably ask God—if he/she/it didn't mind it.. And it makes me wonder if the comment he/she/it would make before answering would be “Yeah, I get that one alot..”
44. I wonder where last names came from. Some from town or location of origin, yes, but there are so many in the world and most are diverse enough to not be repeated alot...Did we after a while just start making them up? Humans tend to make up things to amuse themselves, sometimes just stories like mythology or the history of the universe...but did it happen with last names too?
45. Okay. Most of the people in the bible originate from mostly middle-eastern type areas.that's fine...but what I don't understand is...how did the languages of the world originate from one established area... Tower of Babel is the explanation...the languages of the world started there.. I guess I've just been riddling over the “Oh, I speak Ukranian, and I speak Chinese...I speak Hebrew..I speak English” so forth and it all came from this one area...Difficult one.
46. And while still on that, before the Tower of Babel, there weren't all these diverse languages supposedly... Does that mean that we all spoke one universal language? And if so, what was it?
47. I suppose I've been thinking a lot about theological items lately. But... energy has also been on my mind....For instance....energy waves in the atmosphere...and frequencies picked up by electronic items...These things should make it easy to believe in just about anything.
48. How does a cell phone lock onto these invisible waves to transmit and receive sounds from a person miles and miles away. Tricky stuff.
49. I've been wondering how it is that we've all become so smart over the last 200 years or so..so that we've been able to manifest such advanced things like computers, or laundry machines or any of that... Time shouldn't be measured by achievements...but by the dreams of regular people. Technological Age shouldn't be so specifically named—It really should be about some dudes who thought interesting things and made them happen. Why should technology be constricted by what was happening in the year you thought up the idea... For instance, why were we able to harness electricity in light bulbs or make screens for watching prerecorded events in the 19th-20th centuries? Why couldn't these things have been possible in the hundred years before this? Maybe it just took the right people to create the right items for these possibilities. I don't think it had anything to do with the year they were born in, just the people involved who were thinking further out of the box then others were at the time. How will it be in this 21st Century world? Will things be invented that couldn't have been achieved in the last Century...or will it be that the right people will exist in this time and show us the dreams they wish to become real...
50. Free thinking tends to unravel similar patterns of other thoughts. Proof? See the 49 thoughts above.
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