Monday, January 19, 2009

Escapade with Who & Suki Wa..and other stuff.

*Cue menacing music*

Colds can be a real stubborn biatch. (This is that other stuff part.)

In other news,

last night's bowling was good fun-- I didn't suck(for the most part)...though I did venture into the small corner of my mind halfway through the proceedings and began to bowl well.. I really must find a happy medium between being the typical jester that I am and the Zen buddhist too damn serious 'intimidating' concentrator that I can be...I don't know that there is one, but I'm eager to find it. Irrelevant to the point but still entertaining, Dancing Roger... A very into the moment type dude, he would rock out when he hit some pins.. I mean, we did that too, but he made it look all too easy.


If you have any intentions of eating well with a limited waiting time, and good pub/grill fare is to be your one stop flavor connection, don't ask for Katherine-- trust me on this. Not only will she be slow with your orders(short-staffed perhaps, but there really were about 3 people in there besides us...I think the cook was just really eager to leave, and Katherine was taking shots of Tequila when we weren't looking..hmmm...just a theory.), but will surely 'forget' your appetizer and still expect a hefty tip. People can be so retarded, son.

That is all for now.. Go, enjoy your life--read a book or throw a chocolate shake at a bird.. You know, something fun like that.

1 comment:

Lyndsie said...

Jolanda's the shit! Although...Roger...mmm. And Peggy! I think we need to go back and visit our new friends again soon. But NOT Catherine. Grr.