Monday, December 22, 2008

It's About Time.

Crappy football game on the tube...not much interest there..but then comes the commercial of the week for me:

Yes. I'm referring to Geico.

Normally, I wouldn't whoop it up much for the damn car insurance gecko and his zany adventures trying to hock his wares to the unsuspecting yet pop culturally in the know victims.


I heard it..

That's right.. Rockwell is back, yo!

Mind you, it wasn't him singing his classic hitchcockian 80s frightfester "Somebody's Watching Me"..but someone was!

That's good enough for me...for know, until Rockwell comes out of retirement and launches a full scale hasbeens tour.. though, that might not work cause he can't sing his own choruses without help, dammit..

Whoa. Hold on a sec.. That might mean MJ has to come back and start singing good stuff again...hmmmmmm.

(Michael as we might remember him..)

Hope you're all doing pretty great today~

1 comment:

Lyndsie said...

Wow. A tour featuring Michael AND Rockwell? That'd be bitchin. Um, does Rockwell even sing anything else but "Somebody's Watching Me?" You know what? I don't even care. What a magical night.