Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight: A Few Thoughts

okay.. nothing official.. but.. Bella's friends were amazingly douchy, and the music cues weren't always spot on..but the movie was true to the book, and some of the scenes really pleased me. Sure, the movie had serious CW teeny bopper bullshit moments, but getting past that, it was fun to watch. Go see it. Don't listen to naysayers..or umm..relatives..cough. Last scene of the film made it entirely worth watching.

Thanks for your attention~

Also..side note.. Edward looks a helluva lot like Brendan Fraser a la With Honors. Immediately noticed the parallel appearance.


Lyndsie said...

I still want to see it. Regardless of what Jaymie said, "Twilight" is one of her favorite books, so she's a purist when it comes to them. :)

Lyndsie said...

Okay. Just got home from seeing the movie. I liked it. The characters were pretty close to nothing how I'd imagined them to be, but that happens. I'm glad they're making the next one. :)